- Think (Creating Assumptions)
- Make (Creating MVP)
- Check (Testing)
- Reduce cost by saving on time spent on developing a product that might not be needed (Validate, make early changes, iterate)
- Quick rapid solutions
- Research and design happen quickly to development
- Data-driven to verify assumptions
- A mix of business, design, and development
- Makes UX process more efficient and productive
- Allows the validation of hypotheses guide the design team and not gut or preference
- It not linear; it circular
- Looks at product as hypotheses and not features
- Help designers know id they are making the right decision
- A/B testing
- Site analytics
- Usability testing
- Feedback system
- Customer meeting
- Prototype
- Wireframes
- Value propositions
- Landing pages
- Hypothesis
- Research
- Create problem statements
- Make assumptions from problem statements
- Ideation
- Mental Model
- Sketches
- Storyboards