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  • H0: 40 pt (45–38pt)
  • H1: 32 pt (30–34pt)
  • H2: 26 pt (24–28pt)
  • H3: 22 pt (20–24pt)
  • H4: 20 pt (18–22pt)
  • P1*: 13pt (Minimum size)
  • P2*: 11pt (Minimum size)


  • p                            1rem / 16px
  • h1                         2.5rem / 40px
  • h1 small              80% / 32px
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  • h2 small              80% / 25.6px
  • h3                         1.75rem / 28px
  • h3 small              80% / 22.4px
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  • h5 small              80% / 16px
  • h6                         1rem / 16px
  • h6 small              80% / 12.8px
  • .display-1            6rem / 90px
  • .display-2            5.5rem / 82.5px
  • .display-3            4.5rem / 67.5px
  • .display-4            3.5rem / 52.5px

Some Steps to Understanding User Needs

  1. Research (To understand behavior)
  2. Affinity Diagram (Identify patterns of behavior and pain points)
  3. Empathy Mapping (Built from the affinity diagram)
  4. Personas/Persona Stories (built from affinity diagram and empathy map)
  5. Problem Statement / POV Problem Statement
  6. Customer Journey Maps / Story-boarding (Helps with visualizing the problem)
  7. Other methods
    • User Stories
    • Story Madlibs
    • Re-framing
    • 2×2 Diagrams
    • Card Sorting
    • Value Proposition Canvas
    • How might we

Useful link from Design Libs

Scrum Culture

  • Scrum manifesto –
  • 5 Scrum Values – Courage, Commitment, openness, Focus, Respect
  • 12 Principles of Agile –
  • Empirical Process Control Theory – Transparency, Inspection, Adaptation

Three Behavioral Insights for Products


Intention-Action Gap – the difference between what the user intends to do and what the user do. Users like to commit to something. Use commitment devices to increase conversion. Ask or allow customers to commit to something. You can also increase reward and decrease effort.


Algorithm Aversion and Operational Transparency

Something more automotive is preserved as less valuable. Important to add choice for users so it can be more valuable. Users also like transparency on how something works.  


Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

People are motivated by different things and different context. Reward users based on the context and not on assumption on what motivates them.

Favorite UX Links

List of canvas or tool diagrams [Link]

Just In Mind blog has concise UX topics

UX tools includes challenges and surveys

Design Principles FTW is database of design principles from various companies

Maze ultimate guide to UX research

33 UX Activities